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SYLVIA YAMMINE, CEO, Architect and Urban Planner, SY ARCHITECTS, Zgharta, North Lebanon- Mrs. Yammine is the Chief Executive officer of the architectural firm SY ARCHITECTS. She has many years of experience in design, planning, residential, interior, consulting, and development including numerous years within varied healthcare settings and in urban planning.

Her firm is committed to creating buildings and spaces which successfully combine both aesthetics and functionality without compromising either. She is currently developing several hospitals in Lebanon and Syria within accord of international standards. The SY ARCHITECTS healthcare developments cover all facets of planning, design, building, and maintaining of the facilities, and seek the most current international concepts and strategies. Recent project include a new master planĀ  for the city of new Bedford in the United states, has been published in many journals including the “ landscape Urbanism” (2010).
She is a member of the order of Engineers and Architects’ in Tripoli Lebanon. Harvard Alumni, She has an advanced management and development in Real Estate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.
Prior to that, She studied architecture at the Lebanese University and urban planning at the “Academie Libanaise des beaux arts” (ALBA).

Ms. Yammine completed the Educational hospital Design from the American Academy of continuing medical education, and in 2008, she joined the Health Care Design Conference in Washington, D.C.